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Logo with the word "Canada" and a small Canadian flag above the last "a."

Canada Child Benefit (CCB)

Canada Revenue Agency

The Canada child benefit (CCB) is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under 18 years old. The CCB might include the child disability benefit and any related provincial and territorial programs.

Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the first page with the title, the text in three columns, an illustration of books and a gavel, and the organization logo.

Criminal Law and HIV Non-disclosure in Canada

Canada HIV/AIDS Legal Network

Three information sheets on the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure. Topics include the obligation to disclose HIV-positive status under Canadian criminal law, the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada and internationally, and public policy and community responses.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo of the Better Business Bureau featuring a stylized blue torch above the letters "BBB" in bold blue text.

Better Business Bureau Consumer Tips

Better Business Bureau

Provides an extensive list of consumer tips, organized alphabetically. Topics include advance-fee-loan schemes, auto repair, bankruptcy, carpet cleaning, the do-not-call list, fitness memberships, group-buying coupons, home inspection, investment schemes, lotteries, online shopping, and telemarketing.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with an abstract blue and green figure with an orange circle for the head, alongside the organization's name in black text.

Human Rights in BC

BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner

This website introduces the three pillars that support human rights in the province. It also offers a brief explanation of personal characteristics based on the Human Rights Code, such as age, religion, gender identity, source of income, and many more.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with an abstract blue and green figure with an orange circle for the head, alongside the organization's name in black text.

Hate Speech and the Law in British Columbia

BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner

This page answers common questions about hate speech based on the laws that are applicable in BC. Includes discriminatory speech, protected characteristics under the Criminal Code and BC’s Human Rights Code, freedom of speech, defending yourself when accused, witnessing hate speech, and being a victim.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo is eight circles arranged in a circle, with an outer dotted border. The organization name is to the right.

Teen Digital Dating Violence Toolkit

BC Society of Transition Houses

This toolkit provides anti-violence workers and caregivers supporting teens through their experiences of digital dating violence with information, tips, handouts, and resources. Includes info to help better understand the legal causes of action related to experiences of teen digital dating violence.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo is eight circles arranged in a circle, with an outer dotted border. The organization name is to the right.

Technology-Facilitated Violence: Preserving Digital Evidence Toolkit

BC Society of Transition Houses

This guide helps women and anti-violence workers preserve digital evidence in situations involving technology-facilitated violence against women. It includes the laws and best practices, tech specific guides, courts info, legal options for self-represented litigants, and tech safety resources.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features a symmetrical flower-like design with six grey teardrop-shaped petals radiating from a central yellow circle.

Guide to the BC Human Rights Code and Tribunal

BC Human Rights Tribunal

The BC Human Rights Tribunal is responsible for enforcing the BC human rights law, known as the Human Rights Code. This overview describes what the tribunal does, how to file a complaint, what the process involves, and where to get help.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features a symmetrical flower-like design with six grey teardrop-shaped petals radiating from a central yellow circle.

BC Human Rights Tribunal: Information Sheets and Guides

BC Human Rights Tribunal

This web page provides links to the four guides to the BC Human Rights Tribunal process, along with information sheets and frequently asked questions.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features a symmetrical flower-like design with six grey teardrop-shaped petals radiating from a central yellow circle.

BC Human Rights Tribunal: Guide to the Settlement Meeting

BC Human Rights Tribunal

This guide is an overview of the settlement meeting process under the BC Human Rights Code. It describes what happens at the meeting, when the meeting is held, who is at the meeting, and what the outcomes might be.

Last reviewed March 2024