Legal Resources

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Logo features the initials "JES" in green on the left and a grey scale of justice with the text "Justice Education Society" in a circular arrangement around it on the right.

Court Process (small claims court)

Small Claims BC (Justice Education Society)
This website explains the process of going to BC small claims court. You can learn more details about each step as you go through the web pages. Find out what to do if you’re being sued and how to sue someone in small claims court.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features the initials "JES" in green on the left and a grey scale of justice with the text "Justice Education Society" in a circular arrangement around it on the right.

Trial: Witnesses (civil law)

Supreme Court BC (Justice Education Society)
An overview of witness basics, including information on preparing your witnesses and questioning your witnesses. This guide also introduces concepts like cross-examinations and hearsay.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features the initials "JES" in green on the left and a grey scale of justice with the text "Justice Education Society" in a circular arrangement around it on the right.

Before Trial: Chambers Applications (family law)

Supreme Court BC (Justice Education Society)
An introduction to chambers applications for family claims, including which court forms you will need.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features the initials "JES" in green on the left and a grey scale of justice with the text "Justice Education Society" in a circular arrangement around it on the right.

Before Trial: Judicial Case Conference (family law)

Supreme Court BC (Justice Education Society)
This guidebook introduces what a judicial case conference is, including which forms you will need.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features the initials "JES" in green on the left and a grey scale of justice with the text "Justice Education Society" in a circular arrangement around it on the right.

Trial: Scheduling a Trial (civil law)

Supreme Court BC (Justice Education Society)
An introduction on how to schedule a trial, as well as an overview of jury trials, trial management conferences, the trial record and certificate, and trial deadlines.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features the initials "JES" in green on the left and a grey scale of justice with the text "Justice Education Society" in a circular arrangement around it on the right.

Trial: Your Day in Court (family law)

Supreme Court BC (Justice Education Society)
This guidebook will help you learn how to prepare for your day in court for a family matter, including how to address the judges and court staff.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features the initials "JES" in green on the left and a grey scale of justice with the text "Justice Education Society" in a circular arrangement around it on the right.

Civil Law Guidebooks

Supreme Court BC (Justice Education Society)
A series of guidebooks on the Supreme Court of BC for cases involving a civil matter — claims exceeding $35,000, as well as bankruptcy, personal injury, and contract disputes. Explains everything from starting an action and serving documents to how trial works and how to enforce an order after trial.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover illustrated with four drawings in a horizontal panel. They depict two women; a woman with her hand on her cheek; a police woman, and a person using a phone. The Disability Alliance BC logo and the Government of BC logo are at the bottom.

I’ve Been Sexually Assaulted: Who Can I Tell?

Disability Alliance BC
This help sheet will explain who to talk to — or who to report to — if you have been sexually assaulted. Generously funded by the Ministry of Public Safety.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features the initials "JES" in green on the left and a grey scale of justice with the text "Justice Education Society" in a circular arrangement around it on the right.

Criminal Law Guidebooks

Supreme Court BC (Justice Education Society)
This site has general information to help people with criminal matters in the BC Supreme Court. The guidebooks provide information you need to know before trial, about trial and sentencing, and jury duty. You can also find links to court forms.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with a green geometric design resembling two peaks of a roof that is repeated upside-down, above the text "FamilyLaw" in black with the tagline "Legal help for people in BC" below.

Schedule and Prepare for Your Supreme Court Trial

Family Law in BC (Justice Education Society)
A step-by-step guide that helps you getting ready for your Supreme Court family law trial. Includes scheduling a trial, attending a Trial Management Conference, and filing and serving the necessary documents.
Last reviewed March 2024