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Logo with the words "British Columbia" and a sun rising behind mountains.

Tenancy Dispute Resolution

Residential Tenancy Branch (Government of BC)

Information about the dispute resolution process. Includes links to the online application.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with two swoops and a circle to represent a person, and "Legal Aid BC."

First Nations/Indigenous Courts

Legal Aid BC

Explains that if you identify as Aboriginal or Indigenous and you plead guilty to a crime or are found guilty, you might be able to have your bail or sentencing hearing in a First Nations/Indigenous Court in BC. These are criminal sentencing courts that focus on balancing rehabilitation, accountability, and healing.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo shows three fish forming a circle in the Pacific coast Indigenous art style, in black, teal, and white. To the right are the words “BC FIRST NATIONS” in black, above the much larger words “JUSTICE COUNCIL” in teal.

Gladue Services: Information for the Public

BC First Nations Justice Council

Explains Gladue rights and factors, and how to get a Gladue report via a service from the BC First Nations Justice Council.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features a dove in a circle outlined with a chain, with one link broken. The organization name is to the right.

Booklets for Indigenous Prisoners

Prisoners’ Legal Services

Various booklets that explains your rights and the programs available to you as an Indigenous person in federal or provincial custody.

Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the first page, with the title, text, and the Government of British Columbia logo.

Sentencing (information sheet)

Government of British Columbia

This fact sheet explains what a judge considers when sentencing in criminal court; what types of sentences can be given; and what a Pre-Sentence Report, Victim Impact Statement, and sentencing circle are.

Last reviewed March 2024