house, key, tree

Housing & Tenancy

Find legal information on renting and owning a home published by non-profit organizations, the government, and legal professionals in BC. Each topic includes online guides and tools selected by our librarians.

Legal help in BC

Tenant Infoline

Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre (TRAC)

Information, referrals, and help for residential tenancy law matters (renting) in BC. They help with common problems such as tenancy agreement forms, repairs, eviction, quiet enjoyment, security deposits, fixed-term leases, rent increases, termination of services, and dispute resolution.

Find an Advocate


An online tool to help you find a legal advocate near you, and to connect advocates in small or rural communities find up-to-date resources. You can search by areas of advocacy or city.

Help with legal forms

Amici Curiae (AC) Friends of Court

Get help with completing legal forms and court forms in civil and family matters at the Provincial Court of BC, Supreme Court of BC, BC Court of Appeal, federal court, and tribunals. They help with forms for legal issues such as Indigenous rights, animal law, foreclosure, mental health, income assistance, parole, small claims, and immigration.