Legal Services

Find organizations that provide legal help in BC. Most services are free or low cost.

Logo with the stylized letter “W” representing two women holding hands, in a pink and burgundy pentagon. To the right is the wordmark with the word “WOMEN’S” in large pink letters.

Family law and poverty law advocate (Fort St. John)

Fort St. John Women’s Resource Society

Family Law advocate provides support, legal information, assistance, and referrals to low-income women, men, and teens facing legal challenges related to family law. The Poverty Law advocate provides free advocacy, representation, and assistance to low-income women and men, including EI, benefits, PWD, CPP, CPP-D, FMEP, tenancy, WCB, mental health.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with a drum inside a medicine wheel which is has red, black, yellow, and white quadrants. "Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society" is to the right.

Family law and poverty law advocate (Fort Nelson)

Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society

The family law advocate helps with issues including child protection, guardianship, support, and separation and divorce. The poverty law advocate provides information, support, and one-on-one advocacy to get provincial and federal benefits and services. The legal advocate also helps with other issues such as debt and WCB.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with a tree design on the left made up of multicolored circles in blue, red, yellow, and green, with black lines connecting them to form the trunk and branches. The circles represent leaves. The wordmark is to the right.

Family law and poverty law advocate (Cranbrook and the East Kootenay region)

Community Connections Society of Southeast BC

Provides information and advice about child support, spousal support, legal aid, family law programs, and various legal issues related to family law, as well as income-support programs and residential tenancy concerns. Also helps with applying for legal aid, income support, and appeals.

Last reviewed March 2024
The logo features a circular design with four stylized hands in the center, coloured black, red, grey, and yellow, and each hand contains an eye symbol. The hands are surrounded by a black and white border with intricate patterns, resembling traditional Indigenous art. The overall design emphasizes unity and cultural heritage.

Family law and poverty law advocate (Courtenay, BC)

Wachiay Friendship Centre

Referrals, legal advice, and representation for issues related to poverty law, including disability and other benefits, tenancy issues, debt collection, and human rights; and issues related to family law, including child or spousal support, divorce, separation, and property division.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with the word “Archway” in large black type above “Community Services.” Three semi circles of blue, white, and yellow are above and to the right of “Archway.”

Family law and poverty law advocate (Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, and Langley)

Archway Community Services

Provides information, referrals, and representation on issues including various family legal issues (including child protection issues), income assistance (applying for disability benefits and appeals, and more), housing (residential tenancy issues for tenants), and employment issues (employment insurance, employment standards, and CPP).

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with "The Kettle Society" in red type below a green kettle, which has a design of overlapping petals of yellow, orange, pink, and red.

Family law advocate (Vancouver)

The Kettle Society

Support and advocacy for people living with a combination of mental illness, mental health problems, low-income, or homelessness, on issues including income security and financial hardship, access to health care and substance use supports, filing taxes, residential tenancy and housing, child protection and family law issues, and debt relief.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with “MOSAIC” in dark blue letters, above which is the outline of the Canadian flag’s maple leaf made out of three letter “M”s, in orange, blue, and green.

Family law advocate (Vancouver)


Provides the information, support, and referrals you need to understand your rights as a newcomer to Canada. Programs include support in family law, immigration law, workers rights, and victim support. All services are confidential and free for eligible people.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with three orange and red stylized tulips, with “Chilliwack” in orange and “Community Services” in red. The words “share, grow, belong” are in small red letters at the bottom.

Family law advocate (Chilliwack)

Chilliwack Community Services

The family law advocate provides legal information and help to residents of Chilliwack.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with the words "British Columbia" and a sun rising behind mountains.

Family Justice Centres

Government of British Columbia

Family Justice Centres provide services to British Columbians going through separation or divorce. Family Justice Counsellors help families with parenting arrangements, contact with a child, guardianship, and support issues. They provide short-term counselling, mediation, emergency and community referrals, and other free services.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo showing the name "Seniors First BC" in a modern lowercase font in a gradient of blue colors, each letter overlapping the next.

Elder Law Clinic

Seniors First BC

Offers pro bono (free) legal advice to eligible older adults (55+) living in BC on a wide range of legal matters.

Last reviewed March 2024