Legal Resources

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First page of fact sheet with text in one column, with colourful bars for three provinces.

Personal Planning Tools Across Canada

Nidus Registry
A chart showing where you can get help for personal planning, which is making legal arrangements in the event you need assistance during your lifetime due to illness, injury, or disability. In BC, Nidus can help you make representation agreements and enduring powers of attorney.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with a green geometric design resembling two peaks of a roof that is repeated upside-down, above the text "FamilyLaw" in black with the tagline "Legal help for people in BC" below.

What Happens If Your Common-Law Partner Dies?

Family Law in BC (Justice Education Society)
Explains the rights and responsibilities of people in marriage-like (common-law) relationships when their partner dies.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with the words "British Columbia" and a sun rising behind mountains.

Funeral Costs (help from the BC government)

Government of British Columbia
Outlines what funeral costs can be covered by the ministry if there are no other resources available. It describes who is eligible to apply and how to make the arrangements.
Last reviewed March 2024