Where can I find an overview of how the law is different for Indigenous people?

Last reviewed February 2025 by the Clicklaw editors

Indigenous people live in a unique legal environment. Almost every area of the law, from consumer law to family law, is affected by Indigenous legal issues. Some of the most important issues for Indigenous people are Indigenous rights, treaty rights, the government’s duties toward Indigenous people, the Indian Act (the legislation that governs reserves and band governments), and the effects of colonization, including residential schools.

The resources below provide information on key differences in the law for Indigenous people.

Helpful resources

Helpful services

  • Indigenous Community Legal Workers (Legal Aid BC): They provide legal information and referrals to other services.
  • First Nations and Metis Outreach Program (The Law Centre at the University of Victoria): This service provides legal advice, assistance, and representation to First Nations and Métis clients who live in the Capital Regional District.
  • Indigenous Community Legal Clinic (ICLC) (UBC’s Peter A. Allard School of Law): This clinic provides legal services to the Indigenous community in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, and throughout the Lower Mainland.
  • Indigenous Justice Centres (BC First Nations Justice Council): This service provides culturally appropriate information, advice, support, and representation for Indigenous people.
  • Find more services.