Legal Resources

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Thumbnail of the first page, with title, text, and Nidus logo.

Health Care Consent in BC: Your Rights and the Law

Nidus Registry
This fact sheet is about your rights as an adult (age 19 or older) to give or refuse consent to health care. How is health care defined? What is required for informed consent? How is incapability to consent determined? When is consent not required? Who qualifies as a health care provider?
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

Discrimination in the Workplace

People’s Law School
Being treated differently than others based on personal characteristics is called discrimination. The law protects you from discrimination at work. Learn your rights and options if someone discriminates against you.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover, with the title and a photo of 15 diverse people. The Disability Alliance BC logo and the Law Foundation logos are at the bottom.

Disclosing Your Disability: A Legal Guide for People with Disabilities in BC

Disability Alliance BC
The guide discusses the legal rights and responsibilities around disclosure for people with disabilities in the context of employment. Thank you to the Law Foundation of BC for making this guide possible.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

Dial-a-Law: Children’s Rights

People’s Law School
The legal rights of children vary from those of adults. Learn the rights of children in several contexts, and situations where their views are considered in decisions that affect them.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo of the Community Legal Assistance Society, featuring a workmark in black text with a colorful abstract design on the left around another wordmark "CLAS" consisting of blue, green, purple, and orange shapes.

BC Human Rights Clinic: Do I Have a Complaint?

Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS)
Information about filing a human rights complaint with the BC Human Rights Tribunal. Answers questions such as what is considered discrimination and what is not.
Last reviewed March 2024
Organization logo of "TRAC" with the "A" shaped like a house.

Your Tenancy: Human Rights

Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre (TRAC)
While the Residential Tenancy Act is the main piece of legislation that governs tenants’ and landlords’ rights and responsibilities, section 10 of the BC Human Rights Code gives tenants further protections when it comes to discrimination in tenancies.
Last reviewed March 2024