Legal Resources

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Logo features a scale of justice and a book with the acronym "LSLAP" in white on a blue gradient background.

LSLAP Manual: Consumer Protection

Law Students’ Legal Advice Program (LSLAP)
This chapter on consumer protection is from the manual used by law students handling cases at LSLAP’s legal clinics. It summarizes the law relating to contracts, consumers’ rights, sellers’ rights, warranties, misrepresentation, and false advertising.
Last reviewed September 2024
Thumbnail of the cover, with the title, People’s Law School logo, and a photo of a man near a laptop and calculator, holding some papers, frowning.

Scams to Avoid

People’s Law School
Helps you learn how to spot and guard against scams that try to trick you out of your money. It covers 15 of the most common scams that affect British Columbians, explains the growing problem of identity theft, and tells you the steps to take if you have been the victim of a scam.
Last reviewed August 2024
Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

Dial-a-Law: Firearms and the Firearms Act

People’s Law School
Canada’s gun laws require gun owners to be licensed and certain guns to be registered. Learn how these laws work, and how to get a licence or register a firearm.
Last reviewed August 2024
Emblem is a buffalo head in a blue oval, surrounded by maple leaves. The words “maintiens le droit” are in the blue oval. Above is the word “Canada” and a crown, and below is the organization name.


Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Information about firearms in Canada, including licensing and registration.
Last reviewed August 2024
Logo with the words "British Columbia" and a sun rising behind mountains.

Personal Property Liens and Searches

Government of British Columbia
Explains how liens are registered legal claims on personal property, and personal property is collateral that includes tangible and intangible items (including consumer goods, vehicles, boats, aircraft, chattel paper, and licences). You can search for personal property liens, register a lien, and more.
Last reviewed May 2024
Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

Your Bank Account: How to Deal with Problems

People’s Law School
Most of us open a bank account at some point in our lives. Learn the rights (and responsibilities) that come with having a bank account, practical tips to protect yourself, and how to work out problems.
Last reviewed April 2024
Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

Dial-a-Law: Scams & Identity Theft

People’s Law School
Explains the sophisticated scams that can target you, and gives you tips to help keep you secure. It includes information on the types of scams, identity theft, and what to do if you think you may be a victim of a scam or fraud. It also explains how to protect yourself, and how to take action.
Last reviewed April 2024
Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

Paying Income Tax

People’s Law School
Helps you understand your tax return and how income taxes work, including who has to pay and what income is not taxable. It explains the deadline for filing, and explains what tax information you need. It links to a tool to estimate your income tax obligation. It also provides information on what you can do if you disagree with your assessment.
Last reviewed April 2024
Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

First Steps to Take in Dealing with Debt

People’s Law School
Explains that it’s important to deal with some debts before others. It explains “priority debts” (which should be paid as soon as possible), secured debts, and limitation periods, and explains where you can get help if your debt problem is urgent. It describes the steps you can take to deal with your debt. It also answers some common questions.
Last reviewed April 2024
Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

A Creditor Wants to Take Money from Your Wages or Bank Account

People’s Law School
Explains how your creditor can take some of your wages or money from your bank account, the laws to protect you, and what benefits are protected from garnishment. It explains how to apply to set aside a garnishing order, how to file and serve the application, and what could happen at a court hearing.
Last reviewed April 2024