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Thumbnail of the first page of the fact sheet/guide with the title, the introduction, and the Disability Alliance BC logo.

Filing Income Taxes for People Receiving PWD/PPMB

Disability Alliance BC

As part of Disability Alliance BC’s Tax AID BC program, they have produced a help sheet that describes how people receiving provincial disability benefits in BC can prepare and submit an income tax return for free over the internet.

Last reviewed March 2024
Logo featuring the letters “d” and “a” combined to make a stylized infinity symbol in dark blue, and to the right the letters “b” and “c” combined to make a stylized infinity symbol in light blue. Below this are the words “disability alliance bc” in light blue.

Disability Tax Credit Tool

Disability Alliance BC

The Canadian Disability Tax Credit (DTC) can help reduce the taxes you or someone who supports you owe, and offers other great benefits. To apply, your health care provider needs to fill out the DTC Certificate (form T2201). This tool is designed to give them the info they need from you so they can fill out that form.

Last reviewed March 2024
Front cover of the booklet with a cartoon image a woman being pushed in a wheelchair alongside a dog and a child.

The RDSP and People Receiving Social Assistance

Disability Alliance BC

The Registered Disability Savings Plan is a powerful way for eligible people with disabilities to save for long-term financial security.

Last reviewed March 2024