Legal Resources

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Logo shows the letters "PGT" in shades of blue and green, with the organization name to the right.

Introduction to Adult Guardianship in BC

Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
Explains adult guardianship laws make sure financial, legal, personal, and health care decisions can be made by, with, or for adults when needed. This includes if or when adults become mentally incapable.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the first page, with the title, two columns of text, an illustration of a house, and the Government of BC logo.

Help Starts Here: Information on Stalking (Criminal Harassment)

Government of British Columbia
Criminal harassment is not a sign of love; it’s about power and control. It’s abuse. There are steps you can take to increase your safety at home, at work, and on transit. This guide provides information on what a peace bond does and how to get one.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with the words "British Columbia" and a sun rising behind mountains.

Financial Abuse: Protecting British Columbia’s Seniors

Government of British Columbia
This fact sheet explains financial abuse and financial exploitation, which is a form of senior abuse. It explains financial abuse is a violation of trust. It gives examples and has tips for how you can prevent financial abuse and how to report it, provides useful resources, and explains who you can call for help.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

Dial-a-Law: Family Violence

People’s Law School
If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, you have options. Help is available from the police, community workers, and the courts. Learn the steps you can take.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover, with the title, the Government of Canada logo, and a design with a heart and a teardrop shape, partially overlapping. There is a silhouette of an elderly person sitting on a bench, with birds flying around.

Elder Abuse Is Wrong

Government of Canada
This booklet is for older adults who may be suffering from abuse by someone they trust — it could be a partner or spouse, a family member, a caregiver, a service provider or another individual. This kind of abuse of intimacy or trust is wrong.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

Dying Without a Will

People’s Law School
Practical information for when someone dies without a will. Topics include who inherits the deceased’s property, steps to settling the estate, applying for a grant of administration, and more.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover with a photo of a woman and young boy, and the YWCA and Legal Aid BC logos.

Mothers Leaving Abusive Partners: Information on Custody and Access for Women with Children

Legal Aid BC
This resource is for women with children who’ve been abused by their intimate partner. This includes a spouse or someone with whom they share a child but were never in a relationship with. The booklet explains how to get help and protection, and how to handle parenting arrangements.
Last reviewed March 2024