Legal Resources

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Thumbnail of the cover, with the title, photos of people with moving boxes, and adults smiling with children, and the Government of BC logo.

British Columbia Newcomers’ Guide to Resources and Services

WelcomeBC (Government of BC)
Moving to a new country can be challenging. You probably have a number of questions that need to be answered right away. This guide has information on getting a job, finding a place to live, health services, banking, getting a driver’s licence, the legal system, and much more.
Last reviewed December 2024
Cover of the booklet with the title and a photo of a mother holding a young child. The YWCA logo is at the bottom.

Mothers Without Status

YWCA Vancouver
This booklet is for service providers assisting “mothers without status” — women who are neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents. It gives an overview of the issues they face and options they can take. It includes information on where to get help.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover of the PDF version of the guide, with a scenic photograph of a mountainous landscape with a path running through a lush green valley.

JP Boyd on Family Law: Specific Communities and Family Law

John-Paul Boyd, KC
This chapter provides an overview of the ways some laws apply differently to specific communities regarding family law problems. It covers Indigenous families, newcomers to Canada, same-sex relationships, and issues affecting transgender and transsexual people.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with the word "Canada" and a small Canadian flag above the last "a."

Intercountry Adoption and the Immigration Process

Government of Canada
Provides information about the process of international adoption.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with a green geometric design resembling two peaks of a roof that is repeated upside-down, above the text "FamilyLaw" in black with the tagline "Legal help for people in BC" below.


Family Law in BC (Justice Education Society)
Lists resources that might be helpful to you if you’re not a Canadian citizen and you have a family law issue. Explains how laws in other countries can affect your legal situation, how some processes might be different, and what you can do if your residency sponsorship breaks down.
Last reviewed March 2024