Legal Resources

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Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

Dial-a-Law: Family Violence

People’s Law School
If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, you have options. Help is available from the police, community workers, and the courts. Learn the steps you can take.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with a green geometric design resembling two peaks of a roof that is repeated upside-down, above the text "FamilyLaw" in black with the tagline "Legal help for people in BC" below.


Family Law in BC (Justice Education Society)
Lists resources that might be helpful to you if you’re not a Canadian citizen and you have a family law issue. Explains how laws in other countries can affect your legal situation, how some processes might be different, and what you can do if your residency sponsorship breaks down.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover with a photo of a woman and young boy, and the YWCA and Legal Aid BC logos.

Mothers Leaving Abusive Partners: Information on Custody and Access for Women with Children

Legal Aid BC
This resource is for women with children who’ve been abused by their intimate partner. This includes a spouse or someone with whom they share a child but were never in a relationship with. The booklet explains how to get help and protection, and how to handle parenting arrangements.
Last reviewed March 2024