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Logo shows the letters "PGT" in shades of blue and green, with the organization name to the right.

Protecting a Vulnerable Adult From Abuse, Neglect or Self-Neglect

Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
Describes what abuse, neglect, and self-neglect are, what a designated agency can do, and how the community-response network aims to provide a coordinated response to these complex problems.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover illustrated with four drawings in a horizontal panel. They depict two women; a woman with her hand on her cheek; a police woman, and a person using a phone. The Disability Alliance BC logo and the Government of BC logo are at the bottom.

I’ve Been Sexually Assaulted: Who Can I Tell?

Disability Alliance BC
This help sheet will explain who to talk to — or who to report to — if you have been sexually assaulted. Generously funded by the Ministry of Public Safety.
Last reviewed March 2024