Legal Resources

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Logo shows the letters "PGT" in shades of blue and green, with the organization name to the right.

Protecting a Vulnerable Adult From Abuse, Neglect or Self-Neglect

Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
Describes what abuse, neglect, and self-neglect are, what a designated agency can do, and how the community-response network aims to provide a coordinated response to these complex problems.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover with the title. The design features a geometric, multicolored background.

Legal Rights and Resources for People Living with Cerebral Palsy and Other Disabilities

Cerebral Palsy Association of British Columbia
What do you do if you feel you’re being overlooked for employment because of your disability? What if your parenting skills are questioned because of your lack of mobility? This booklet is designed to answer these questions and more, and support those with disabilities to live a Life Without Limits.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover of the PDF version of the guide, with a scenic photograph of a mountainous landscape with a path running through a lush green valley.

JP Boyd on Family Law: Specific Communities and Family Law

John-Paul Boyd, KC
This chapter provides an overview of the ways some laws apply differently to specific communities regarding family law problems. It covers Indigenous families, newcomers to Canada, same-sex relationships, and issues affecting transgender and transsexual people.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with two swoops and a circle to represent a person, and "Legal Aid BC."

Abuse & Family Violence

Legal Aid BC
Describes the challenges Aboriginal families and communities face when there’s abuse and family violence. Explains types of abuse that are against the law, and where victims can get help and support services. Includes information on who can stay in the family home on reserve.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with "Plan Institute" and three overlapping green circles to the right, and the words “for caring citizenship” below.

RDSP Tutorial

Plan Institute
This online tutorial helps you learn about Canada’s Registered Disability Savings Plan. It consists of four chapters: about RDSP, getting started, opening RDSP, and other info. Each chapter has a list of questions or topics that you can navigate to directly.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the booklet cover with a photo of a woman typing on a laptop. She is smiling and has a cup of coffee nearby. The cover also has the National Self-Represented Litigants Project logo and the Canadian Bar Association logo.

A Guide for SRLs with Disabilities: Understanding Your Rights and Requesting the Assistance You Need

National Self-Represented Litigants Project
This guide is for self-represented litigants (SRLs) who are also people with disabilities (PWDs). It provides information on disability accommodations and resources in the justice system. It includes a sample letter of accommodation request and what to do if you’re still experiencing barriers.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with the words "British Columbia" and a sun rising behind mountains.


Government of British Columbia
Explains how trusts work for those who are receiving disability assistance, or accommodation or care in a private hospital or a special care facility. Includes information on types of trusts, how to set up trusts, trust payments, and more.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover, with the title, illustrated with photos. Two are young men smiling, the other is a woman in a wheelchair with a woman jogging.

Disability Assistance and Trusts

Government of British Columbia
Explains what a trust is; how having a trust affects your disability assistance; what the different kinds of trusts are; who can set up a trust for you; and how you can use the money in your trust without affecting your disability assistance.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with the words "British Columbia" and a sun rising behind mountains.

Arrange an Interpreter for Court Proceedings

Government of British Columbia
This site explains how to get an interpreter for the deaf or hard of hearing. The site also explains the situations where the courts will provide an English language interpreter and offers resources for when they don’t provide one.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo featuring the letters “d” and “a” combined to make a stylized infinity symbol in dark blue, and to the right the letters “b” and “c” combined to make a stylized infinity symbol in light blue. Below this are the words “disability alliance bc” in light blue.

Disability Tax Credit Tool

Disability Alliance BC
The Canadian Disability Tax Credit (DTC) can help reduce the taxes you or someone who supports you owe, and offers other great benefits. To apply, your health care provider needs to fill out the DTC Certificate (form T2201). This tool is designed to give them the info they need from you so they can fill out that form.
Last reviewed March 2024