Legal Resources

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First page of help sheet with text in two columns.

Dying Without a Will

Nidus Registry
Nidus encourages everyone to make a will. However, there are some situations where an individual may be considered not mentally capable to make a will. This fact sheet explains who has legal authority to settle an estate and gives examples of how an estate must be distributed if there is no will.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover, with the title and a photo of 15 diverse people. The Disability Alliance BC logo and the Law Foundation logos are at the bottom.

Disclosing Your Disability: A Legal Guide for People with Disabilities in BC

Disability Alliance BC
The guide discusses the legal rights and responsibilities around disclosure for people with disabilities in the context of employment. Thank you to the Law Foundation of BC for making this guide possible.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo is a stylized person in a wheelchair going up a path towards the sun. The organization name is below.

CSIL Online Workbooks

Spinal Cord Injury BC
Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL) is an alternative way for people with disabilities in BC to receive home support services. These online workbooks give people with disabilities the information they need to apply and manage the transition to becoming a CSIL employer.
Last reviewed March 2024
Organization logo of "TRAC" with the "A" shaped like a house.

Your Tenancy: Human Rights

Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre (TRAC)
While the Residential Tenancy Act is the main piece of legislation that governs tenants’ and landlords’ rights and responsibilities, section 10 of the BC Human Rights Code gives tenants further protections when it comes to discrimination in tenancies.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover with a photo of a woman and young boy, and the YWCA and Legal Aid BC logos.

Mothers Leaving Abusive Partners: Information on Custody and Access for Women with Children

Legal Aid BC
This resource is for women with children who’ve been abused by their intimate partner. This includes a spouse or someone with whom they share a child but were never in a relationship with. The booklet explains how to get help and protection, and how to handle parenting arrangements.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with "Plan Institute" and three overlapping green circles to the right, and the words “for caring citizenship” below.

RDSP: How Do I Qualify? (a step-by-step guide)

Plan Institute
The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is a Canada-wide registered matched savings plan specific for people with disabilities. This guide is to help you complete each of the steps needed to (1) become eligible for an RDSP, (2) open an RDSP, and (3) manage your money.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover illustrated with four drawings in a horizontal panel. They depict two women; a woman with her hand on her cheek; a police woman, and a person using a phone. The Disability Alliance BC logo and the Government of BC logo are at the bottom.

I’ve Been Sexually Assaulted: Who Can I Tell?

Disability Alliance BC
This help sheet will explain who to talk to — or who to report to — if you have been sexually assaulted. Generously funded by the Ministry of Public Safety.
Last reviewed March 2024