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Logo with the words "British Columbia" and a sun rising behind mountains.

Child Protection Mediation

Government of British Columbia
Sometimes people responsible for a child disagree with the Ministry of Children and Family Development or Aboriginal child and family service agency about a child’s safety. Child protection mediation is a way to make a plan for a child’s safety with the help of an impartial person called a mediator.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with two swoops and a circle to represent a person, and "Legal Aid BC."

Child Protection

Legal Aid BC
Identifies the law around child protection for Aboriginal children in BC, sets out some aspects of the child protection/removal process, and explains parents’ and the band’s rights and responsibilities.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with six rectangles and a circle in six bright colours to represent people, and "People's Law School."

Dial-a-Law: Adoption of a Child

People’s Law School
Adoption is the process to legally transfer parental responsibilities for a child from one family to another. Learn what’s involved in adopting a child or placing a child for adoption.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with a green geometric design resembling two peaks of a roof that is repeated upside-down, above the text "FamilyLaw" in black with the tagline "Legal help for people in BC" below.

Family Law in BC

Family Law in BC (Justice Education Society)
Information and self-help guides on family law in BC. Topics covered include abuse, adoption, child protection/removal, common-law relationships, custody and access, divorce and separation, child support, and spousal support.
Last reviewed March 2024