Legal Resources

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Thumbnail of the cover, with the title, a photo of a close-up of a woman's face with her hand on her cheek, and the YWCA logo.

Stopping the Violence: A Guide for Women Facing Domestic Violence

YWCA Vancouver
Brochure about abuse of women in relationships. Explains what abuse is and what the warning signs are, and provides resources for help and support.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with the word "Canada" and a small Canadian flag above the last "a."

Stalking Is a Crime Called Criminal Harassment

Government of Canada
Explains what type of behaviour counts as criminal harassment and what steps you can take to protect yourself. It also includes a list of local or provincial agencies that can offer support or helpful information.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo features a red chevron shape resembling a rooftop above the acronym "CMHC" and its French equivalent "SCHL," with a small maple leaf in between the two acronyms.

Renovation, Repair and Renewal Funding for Indigenous Housing

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Learn about funding and financing programs for reconstructing, renovating, or preserving housing for Indigenous communities, whether on reserve or off reserve.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with two swoops and a circle to represent a person, and "Legal Aid BC."

Parents Legal Centres

Legal Aid BC
Describes Parents Legal Centres (PLCs), a Legal Aid BC service that provides a free lawyer and an advocate to help parents address child protection issues early on. The service is available to eligible parents any time after the social worker contacts them.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the booklet cover with a large Indigenous illustration of an eagle.

Our Human Rights: How BC Law Protects Us from Discrimination

Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS)
A 12-page booklet about how the BC Human Rights Code applies in three main areas of daily life: work, housing, and access to services and facilities. It explains racial profiling, what it means to be discriminated by a landlord or a health care provider or harassed at work, and what you can do if your rights are violated.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with two swoops and a circle to represent a person, and "Legal Aid BC."

Mediation — Child Protection and Aboriginal Families

Legal Aid BC
Describes the role of mediators in the child protection process, how they can help Aboriginal families, and how to find a mediator. Mediators are professionals who are specially trained to help people reach an agreement. They are also trained to not take sides.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with the words "British Columbia" and a sun rising behind mountains.

Legal Changes of Name

Vital Statistics Agency (Government of BC)
Provides information on how to legally change your name.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the booklet cover illustrated with an Indigenous family of two children, two parents, and two grandparents with trees and stars in the background.

Keeping Aboriginal Kids Safe: Your Family’s Rights

Legal Aid BC
Illustrated booklet that explains the child protection process for Aboriginal children and families. Describes delegated Aboriginal agencies, mediation, the court process, and the Family Extended Program. Has a flow chart of the child protection process.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover of the PDF version of the guide, with a scenic photograph of a mountainous landscape with a path running through a lush green valley.

JP Boyd on Family Law: Specific Communities and Family Law

John-Paul Boyd, KC
This chapter provides an overview of the ways some laws apply differently to specific communities regarding family law problems. It covers Indigenous families, newcomers to Canada, same-sex relationships, and issues affecting transgender and transsexual people.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover, with the title, the Government of Canada logo, and a design with a misshapen house crisscrossed with lines.

Abuse Is Wrong

Government of Canada
Contains information for those experiencing abuse in a relationship or in a family. It outlines what to do in case of an emergency and discusses the decision whether to leave or stay, and suggests where to get the help and support you need.
Last reviewed March 2024