Legal Services

Find organizations that provide legal help in BC. Most services are free or low cost.

Logo features the initials "JES" in green on the left and a grey scale of justice with the text "Justice Education Society" in a circular arrangement around it on the right.


Justice Education Society (JES)
Free information and referrals to help you deal with your legal issues. Questions are answered by UBC law students on weekdays from 11 am to 2 pm. Questions outside these hours will receive a response the next business day. Ask JES is supported by a knowledge base of over 1,000 legally reviewed questions and answers.
Last reviewed July 2024
Logo features the text "COURTHOUSE" in brown capital letters on the top line and "LIBRARIES | BC" in blue capital letters on the bottom line. Above the text, there is an abstract design of an open book in blue and grey.

Library services

Courthouse Libraries BC
Provides legal information services to the public via a network of libraries in BC courthouses. Visit our website & learn how the libraries provide access to staff expertise, print and digital legal collections, and public computers. You’re encouraged to call or email before visiting as they can provide many services this way & can save you time.
Last reviewed July 2024