Legal Resources

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Logo with a green geometric design resembling two peaks of a roof that is repeated upside-down, above the text "FamilyLaw" in black with the tagline "Legal help for people in BC" below.

Family Law Illustrated Scenarios

Family Law in BC (Justice Education Society)
Short, illustrated scenarios with likable characters sharing concerns and information about family law issues. These engaging picture stories are designed to capture readers’ own situations and lead them to online (and other) resources. On the Family Law in BC website.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with a green geometric design resembling two peaks of a roof that is repeated upside-down, above the text "FamilyLaw" in black with the tagline "Legal help for people in BC" below.

Child Protection

Family Law in BC (Justice Education Society)
Describes what can happen if the ministry thinks your child’s safety is at risk, including your responsibilities and rights as a parent, how you can be involved in making decisions for your child’s future, and how to avoid having to go to court.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with a green geometric design resembling two peaks of a roof that is repeated upside-down, above the text "FamilyLaw" in black with the tagline "Legal help for people in BC" below.

Common Questions (family law)

Family Law in BC (Justice Education Society)
Short answers to common questions about separation and divorce, children, abuse and family violence, finances and support, and the BC legal system.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the booklet cover, with a photo of an toddler in rainboots mostly hidden by the large umbrella they are carrying.

If You Can’t Get Legal Aid for Your Child Protection Case

Legal Aid BC
For people facing a complicated child protection hearing who have been denied legal aid but can’t afford a lawyer. Explains why you can ask for a court-appointed lawyer and how to apply. Includes forms and what to say to the judge in court.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover with a photo of a woman and young boy, and the YWCA and Legal Aid BC logos.

Mothers Leaving Abusive Partners: Information on Custody and Access for Women with Children

Legal Aid BC
This resource is for women with children who’ve been abused by their intimate partner. This includes a spouse or someone with whom they share a child but were never in a relationship with. The booklet explains how to get help and protection, and how to handle parenting arrangements.
Last reviewed March 2024
Front cover of booklet with illustrations of various families: a mother and two sons, a same-sex couple, and parents with a baby and a young child.

Living Together or Living Apart: Common-Law Relationships, Marriage, Separation, and Divorce

Legal Aid BC
Explains the basics of family law in BC. Includes information about why you might want an agreement for living together, and how to write one; what to do if you decide to separate or divorce; how to sort out money matters and work out parenting arrangements; and how the court process works.
Last reviewed March 2024
Thumbnail of the cover, with the title and an illustration of a child’s hand holding and adult’s hand, and the Legal Aid BC logo.

Parents’ Rights, Kids’ Rights: A Parent’s Guide to Child Protection Law in BC

Legal Aid BC
Explains what happens if the Director of Child Protection has concerns about a child's safety or plans to remove them. Describes collaborative (shared) planning, decision-making options, and presentation and protection hearings. Includes information for Indigenous families, where to get help, and definitions.
Last reviewed March 2024
Logo with the words "British Columbia" and a sun rising behind mountains.

Family Law: What Is a Priority Parenting Matter?

Government of British Columbia
Eight-minute video explains what a priority parenting matter is in BC Provincial Court. This includes health-related treatments and applications for passports, if delay will result in risk to a child; travel; change in a child’s residence; orders to prevent removal of a child; orders about wrongful removal of a child; and more.
Last reviewed March 2024