I’ve been hurt in a motor vehicle accident. What can I do?

Last reviewed May 2024 by the Clicklaw editors

You must report the accident to an insurer. In BC, the basic insurer for drivers is the Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC). If you’re a pedestrian, cyclist, or passenger, you must also contact ICBC.

If you have disputes afterward

The Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) can make decisions on the following matters:

  • Entitlement to accident benefits
  • Classification of an injury as a “minor injury”
  • Fault and damages decisions for motor vehicle injury claims up to $50,000

For car accidents that happened between April 1, 2019, and April 30, 2021

  • For an accident benefits dispute, you can only take the claim to the online CRT.
  • For minor injury determination and resolving fault and damages, you can either go to court or start a claim at the CRT. Consult a lawyer for legal advice before deciding where to go.

For car accidents that happened on or after May 1, 2021 

  • The new care-based model for automobile insurance (Enhanced Care) applies. Under this coverage, you’ll get compensation for your injuries based on the new rules. The new model should reduce the number of legal actions brought to the justice system. However, in some cases involving Criminal Code offences, you can still sue. Consult a lawyer for legal advice.
  • For accident benefits disputes, you can start with the CRT Solution Explorer. In other words, the CRT will continue to have exclusive jurisdiction over the Enhanced Accident Benefits disputes.

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Helpful services

  • Lawyer Referral Service (Access Pro Bono): This service offers a free, brief initial consultation with a lawyer to determine your legal needs. If you would like further help from your lawyer, you can retain them at a rate you both agree to.
  • Find more services.