Common Questions by Topic

Answers to commonly asked legal questions, with useful resources selected by our librarians.
building with columns and book with bookmarks

Civil Court & Alternatives

Most Viewed Questions
I’ve been hurt in a motor vehicle accident. What can I do?
What’s the difference between small claims court and the Supreme Court of BC?
How do I do my own legal research as a self-represented litigant?
handcuffs and book icon

Crime & Victims

Most Viewed Questions
How does diversion work and how can I get it?
How can I appeal my conviction or sentence in a criminal case?
I’ve been charged with a crime. How do I defend myself?
child and two older people under house roof, representing family


Most Viewed Questions
How can I get a Certificate of Divorce?
My common-law partner died. What legal issues do I need to know about?
How do I draft a final order for an undefended divorce?
dollar sign and two people, one in hard hat and one in tie


Most Viewed Questions
I’m going to the interview for income assistance. What do I need to know?
I was dismissed (fired) unfairly. What can I do?
My employer isn’t paying my wages. What can I do?
house, key, tree

Housing & Tenancy

Most Viewed Questions
My landlord is threatening to evict me.
I’ve missed a few mortgage payments and am facing foreclosure.
My landlord hasn’t carried out repairs. Can I stop paying rent?
hand and credit card and dollar sign

Money, Debt & Consumer

Most Viewed Questions
How do I find the life insurance policy of a family member who recently passed away?
My boyfriend wants me to co-sign for his loan. Will this make me responsible if he misses a payment?
My home reno was a disaster. What can I do?
certificate with maple leaf and person

Rights & Citizenship

Most Viewed Questions
What rights do people have around treatment for mental illness?
I know a family who has just immigrated. What information would help them?
A friend was sponsored to come to Canada but the sponsor left her. What can she do?
certificate and pen

Wills, Estates & Planning

Most Viewed Questions
How do I make a will?
How do I know if a will has been probated?
How do I apply for probate?