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歡迎來到 點擊法律網站(Clicklaw)

點擊法律網站 (Clicklaw)是一個可供您尋找有關卑詩省法律資訊的網站。這裡有日常法律議題的資訊,例如就業、房屋及家庭法律。本網站可選擇多種語言的資訊。
欲從 點擊法律網站 獲得盡可能多的信息,您需要具備一定的英語閱讀能力,或者需要找一個有英語閱讀能力的人幫助您。
但是現在您可以使用 點擊法律網站 的求助地圖(HelpMap),在您的社區內尋找可在法律事務上幫助您的人士。在這些所提供的服務中,除了英語以外,還有其他語言的服務。
在 點擊法律網站,我們與卑詩省二十五間以上可信賴的機構合作, 爲公眾提供法律教育及資訊資源。
瀏覽 點擊法律網站,可見各種語言服務一覽表

本網站上所提供的資訊爲一般性資訊,而非法律諮詢意見。您若需要有關特定法律問題的諮詢意見,請聯絡律師或法律援助中心。您可使用求助地圖(Clicklaw HelpMap)來尋找您社區內的免費或低收費的法律服務。

English Translation

Welcome to Clicklaw - Chinese Traditional
Clicklaw is a website that you can use to find information about the law in BC. There is information on every-day legal topics, such as employment, housing, and family law. The information is available in many languages.
To get the most out of Clicklaw, you need to be able to read some English, or have a helper with you who can read English.
You can use the Clicklaw HelpMap to find someone who can help you with your legal issue in your community. Some of these services are offered in languages other than English.
At Clicklaw, we work with over 25 trusted organizations in BC that produce legal education and information resources for the public.
View a complete list of the languages available on Clicklaw.

The information on this website is provided as general information and is not legal advice. If you need advice about a specific legal problem, please contact a lawyer or legal clinic. You can use the HelpMap to find free or low-cost legal services in your community.


MOSAIC (務適) 是一個多種語言的非牟利機構﹐致力處理在移民和難民安頓下來及融入加拿大社會期間影響他們的問題。MOSAIC設有一個網站﹐您可在那裏搜尋以您自己的語言提供的法律資訊。以下是在MOSAIC網站上的繁體中文資源



MOSAIC is a multilingual non-profit organization dedicated to addressing issues that affect immigrants and refugees in the course of their settlement and integration into Canadian society. MOSAIC has a website that allows you to search for legal information in your own language. View resources in Chinese - Traditional on MOSAIC's website.